"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." - Bill Shankly

Friday, April 3, 2009

Manager Sean's Most Inspirational, Butt-Kickingest Preseason Motivational Speech...Ever!

"So wake up the members of my nation
It's your time to be 
There's no chance unless you take one
And it's time to see 
The brighter side of every situation
Some things are meant to be
So give your best and leave the rest to me
Leave it all to me"

For those of you with daughters ages 7-10, you'll recognize this mantra as the opening theme song lyrics to the hit Nickelodeon television show "iCarly."  Did Manager Sean really crib from a "tween" comedy for his most inspirational, butt-kickingest preseason motivational speech ever?  Oh no he dih'int?  Oh yes, he did!

Having just worked 22-1/2 of the last 27 hours--including the delightful 8:45 p.m. - 10:00 a.m. shift--my internal body clock is totally whacked and despite being somewhere between exhausted and not quite hallucinatory, I can't fall asleep.  But even if I could fall asleep, there would still only be one thing on my mind:

I can't freakin' wait for the season to start.

Rangers football is tied for first on Seanny's Most Awesome Stuff in the World List, right up there with my wife, my daughter and her soccer season, robots, ninja robots, and "Battlestar Galactica".  When my office asked me to work on the new project that subsequently merited 22-1/2 of the last 27 hours of my life, my first reaction was, "travel for this won't interfere with my soccer team, will it?"    

The roster is printed.  The jerseys weren't lemony-fresh enough so I'm washing them again and will be folding them in numerical order as soon as the spin cycle is done.  I have been promised the pitch will be mowed, the lines will be striped, and there will be a portable toilet.  We are playing our old foes No Subs and there is a pretty decent irony that Bullie's first match back with the club should be against the last team he played against prior to his injury.  I know a lot of the squad has been playing winter indoor, winter outdoor, and kicking the ball around on weekends, so I am hopeful for another awesome season.

I look forward to "getting the proverbial band back together" this Sunday and every Sunday through June.

Let's go kick some ass, boys!  iCarly would want it that way.

FC77 Rangers v. No Subs
Sunday, APRIL 5 - 12:00 NOON KO
Be there at 11:30!