For your convenience, this news hound has sniffed out the Over 30's 3rd Rose City results from the GPSD web site ( It appears the rest of our division will be playing on Wednesday evenings at Delta Strasser. See the official schedule for details on when they play.
Here are the Spring 2009 Week 1 results as officially posted:
I'll try to update during the week when the results are posted, but this is no mean feat because we never know when the results will actually be entered. As a bonus, the top scorers from around the league are available here.
P.S. Just to keep you on your toes I'm backdating the time of this entry to Thursday to keep it in our post flow.
Hmmm, I wonder if we should we gather a scouting mission to scope out our competition?
The upcoming games according to the official schedule ( are:
Blitz v Cha Cha Cha, Wed 4/15/2009, 6:30PM at Delta Park 4
Green Dragons v No Subs, Wed, 4/15/2009, 6:30PM at Delta Park 5
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